Massage in Tokyo -Choosing an Appropriate Licensed Massage Therapist

Massage in Tokyo  -Choosing an Appropriate Licensed Massage Therapist

Why Inexperienced, Unlicensed Massage Workers May do More Harm than Good

Massage has been performed since ancient times for improving the overall health and well-being of people of all ages and in all physical conditions. Over the years, specific techniques and sequences have been applied and honed to each therapy, and are designed to in treat specific issues, and to enhance body condition, function and overall health and well-being.  Highly educated skilled therapists are able to intutively know what you need, can feel the areas which hold tension in your body, and with their training and expertise can effectively treat tired, strained muscles, and promote relaxation with their healing touch. However, this sort of therapist is not necessarily easy to find.

When you choose a massage therapist many things should be considered.  First, you want to speak with the person on the phone- or for a few minutes face to face if you are at a salon.  If you do not feel comfortable with the therapist you should not have a massage with that person- choose someone who matches your personality- specifically someone with whom you feel comfortable and who has a calming effect on you. If you are not comfortable with someone of the same or opposite sex, just speak up.  The most important thing is your physical and mental well-being, and you should follow your instincts about choosing the therapist who best suits your needs.

Check credentials- Ask the therapist if he or she is licensed, and furthermore, what their specialties are.  It is best to choose someone who is very experienced, professional and confident in their profession, and well-experienced in the modality you seek. Having a massage with an inexperienced or unlicensed person is a huge risk.  First of all it is very unlikely they know much about anatomy and physiology, or about professional massage ethics and appropriate behavior and hygiene.  Additionally, they will probably not bother to inquire about your health history- which is the most important thing to know before you have a massage.  If you are pregnant, have a history of heart disease, had broken bones,  high blood pressure, HIV, cancer, asthma, or other physical conditions, massage could put you at risk- especially at the hands of an amateur. 

A bonafide, educated therapist will advise you to seek permission from your Physician before you have a massage of any kind if you have a history of disease, a painful physical condition or an injury of any sort.  Furthermore, certain massage types are quite invasive and may actually cause injury if not performed correctly.  For example, pressure point therapies such as Shiatsu, and therapies where you are maniputated and twisted like a  pretzel, or where someone walks on your back could cause irreparable damage. You must be certain what techniques a therapist will use on you when choosing a massage. 

Many times a therapist will not speak your language, causing even more of a dangerous situation- so please keep that in mind. A good therapist will be in constant communication with you throughout the duration of the massage- monitoring your comfort level, pain threshold, and simply inquring about creature comforts such as whether you need a drink, or want to take a break to go to the restroom. 

Please consider all of these aspects before you decide what sort of treatment you would like to book, the duration, and what possible negative effects it may have on your health- if any.

Finally, in this day and age, many times “Massage” is a thinly veiled disguise for sex.  Beware.  If you have any doubts about licensing, what someone plans to do during the massage, or whether they are offering escort services and not a professional massage, just cancel your appointment.  Don’t give your credit card number out to a random service over the phone. Be safe.

Once you have found an appropriate therapist for the massage style you are seeking go ahead and enjoy!  Remember that YOU should be the focus of the session- and it is best for you to try to be quiet, concentrate on relaxing and enjoy the healing powers of your expert licensed massage therapist.

More to come in future blog posts!

Enjoy Massage for Better Health and Well-Being!


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